Lady and the Tramp “Opposites Attract” Figurine (2005) - ID: 045544008693

Lady and the Tramp “Opposites Attract” Figurine (2005) - ID: 045544008693 Disneyana




Image Size: 
5.25”x6.75”x6.75” total, 5.25”x6.75”x1” base, 4”x5.5”x6” figurine
Price: $175.00
SKU: 045544008693

A Walt Disney Classics Collection figurine of “Lady and the Tramp.” Titled ‘Opposites Attract,’ the figurine was sculpted by Bruce Lau and released for the Fall 2005 Event numbered 994 in an edition of 4000. Measuring 5.25”x6.75” and 6.75” tall, the figurine is in fine condition and comes with the original box and COA.

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